Your Downloads folder may be a lot like your Desktop folder. Read this article for more on using Mac Washing Machine to clear out and organize your Desktop.

It can help you sort files automatically into folders in your home folder, like Documents, Pictures, and more. To make it even easier, you can use Intego’s Mac Washing Machine to organize your Desktop. You may find that you no longer need the oldest files, and deleting some of the largest files can save lots of space. Open a new Finder window with the Desktop folder visible, and view all your files, then sort them into other folders, or delete them. (If you want to know how to use the various views in the Finder, read this article.) (If you don’t see it there, choose Go menu > Desktop.) It’s easier to view the contents of your Desktop in that folder, and you might want to do this in List view, where you can sort by size, or by date added. You may not realize, but the Desktop is also a folder. It may take a while to sift through all these files, but it’s a good idea to do so, filing away those you want to keep, and deleting the ones you no longer need. However, after a while, that part of your Mac becomes cluttered, making it hard to find anything. We did a deep dive on this feature, so check out How to Use Optimized Storage to Increase Disk Space. This feature offers a number of ways to clean out files you no longer need. It can help you find big files you no longer need (such as software installers), and can automatically remove iTunes movies and TV shows once you’ve watched them. Since the release of macOS Sierra a few years ago, the Mac operating system has a useful new feature for optimizing your storage. Some of these tips are simple, some take a bit more time, but they’ll all help you tidy up your computer. This is especially important if you have a Mac with an SSD as space is more limited than a hard drive. In this article, I present a roundup of the best Mac cleanup tips for spring cleaning your Mac. Our home, our garage, our basement… so why not our Macs? We accumulate clutter in the colder, darker months, and with more light and warmer weather, it’s a good time to take stock of things and decide what you need to keep, and what you can toss. Whenever spring comes, something deep inside us prods us to clean things out. You can tell because the birds are starting to chirp, the days are getting longer, and you’ve set your clock ahead. Software & Apps The best Mac cleanup tips for digital spring cleaning